Building Efficiency and Sustainability in the Tropics 2, 2017 to 2022
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Theme A: Human-Building Nexus - Enhancing Health and Productivity in the Built Environment
Theme B: Smart Technologies for Agile, Intelligent, Efficient and Resilient Buildings
Theme C: Agile Design and Operation of the Building Envelope for Energy Efficiency and Human Comfort
Theme D: Data Analytics for the Built Environment
Theme E: Cyber Physical Testbed
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SinBerBEST 1
Theme A: Human-Building Nexus - Enhancing Health and Productivity in the Built Environment
Theme B: Smart Technologies for Agile, Intelligent, Efficient and Resilient Buildings
Theme C: Agile Design and Operation of the Building Envelope for Energy Efficiency and Human Comfort
Theme D: Data Analytics for the Built Environment
Theme E: Cyber Physical Testbed
SinBerBest Lab Video
Research Areas
Theme A: Human-Building Nexus - Enhancing Health and Productivity in the Built Environment
Health, Well-Being and Productivity and Indoor Environmental Quality
Benchmark for Occupant Satisfaction in Commercial Building and Elevated Air Movement and Increased Temperature Setpoint
Adaptable Cooling Coil under Diverse Load Conditions for Tropical Buildings
Solutions to Reduce Exposure to Particulate Matter and Airborne Aerosolized Transmissions
Theme B: Smart Technologies for Agile, Intelligent, Efficient and Resilient Buildings
Intelligent Self-Learning Sensors with Online Real Time Calibration
Holistic Building Energy Management with Adaptive Cooling Control
Novel Air Handler for Energy- Efficient ACMV Operation in Tropical Environments
Intelligent Grid Interface System for Utility-Customer Power Quality Control
Theme C: Agile Design and Operation of the Building Envelope for Energy Efficiency and Human Comfort
Lighting Design Strategies Beyond the Visual: Health, Alertness and Efficiency
Experimental and Computational platform for novel façade concepts
Theme D: Data Analytics for the Built Environment
Real-time Estimation of Building System State
Preventive Building Maintenance and Fault Detection
Learning-Based Thermal Comfort Modeling
Virtual Energy Auditing of Existing Building Stock
Theme E: Cyber Physical Testbed
Physical-Physical and Physical-Computational Testing of Daylight Systems
Health, Well-Being, Productivity and Indoor Environmental Quality
Lighting Design Strategies beyond the Visual: Alertness and Efficiency
Comprehensive Implementation of Living Laboratories