Theme E: Cyber Physical Testbed
The SinBerBEST Cyber Physical Testbed is an invaluable crucible for proposed technological innovations, migrating technologies from concept to robust prototype and eventually to commercialization within a streamlined framework. It is used to verify the in vivo performance, efficiency and effectiveness of technology innovations developed in Themes A through D.
The Testbed offers:
1) the capability to execute real-time operation and control within the regulated indoor environments to support a wide range of research missions.
2) diverse capabilities including a Daylight Emulator, an artificial sky, a fully controlled Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) test-bed, a Nano-grid, and a Façade Management System;
3) industry participation

Experimental Opportunities and Support in the Community
The final goal is to transition SBB technologies and innovations to the marketplace. After validation at the Cyber Physical Testbed stage, the next stage involves deploying technologies in the field. In this way, technologies will be hardened through exposure to actual real-world uncertain conditions.
Download the Theme E factsheet here.