In May 2018, SinBerBEST 2 Theme Lead, Professor Stefano Schiavon, published a LinkedIn article sharing recent research findings of using ceiling fans in a Singapore office building. In this study, SinBerBEST researcher, Aleksandra Lipczynska, Prof. Schiavon, and Center for Built Environment Research Specialist, Lindsay Graham, evaluated how increased room temperatures and air movement impacted the white-collar workers’ thermal comfort and their self-reported productivity.
SVInsight recently covered Nelumbo, the hydrophobic/ ice-phobic coatings company that was founded by SinBerBEST researchers led by Prof. Hayden Taylor, in Chinese. The article discussed how the company uses chemical engineering techniques to improve heat transfer research, advance current refrigeration technology, and impact the refrigeration, air conditioning, central heating, and electrical car industries.
In October 2017, Berkeley Engineering highlighted an easy-to-use, cost-effective, building condition and usage monitoring tool that was developed by SinBerBEST researchers working with Professor Costas Spanos. Kevin Weekly, Ming Jin, and Ruoxi Jia, co-developed this device, the Building-in-Briefcase (BiB) system. Each BiB set can measure the detailed environmental conditions of a sizable residence, a medium-sized office suite, or any other similarly sized space in the built environment.