Baihong Received 2019 - 2020 Lofti A. Zadeh Prize

Baihong Jin, a graduating PhD student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) department at University of California, Berkeley, was recognized for his notable contributions to soft computing and its application with the Lofti A. Zadeh Prize. Every year, the EECS Student Awards Committee selects department award winners, many of them are based on recommendations from EECS students, faculty and staff.
A particpant of the SBB2 program, he is advised by Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Prof. Poolla. Also, Baihong is a research affiliate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. His research interests include machine learning, fault management, and anomaly detection techniques, focusing on their applications in energy cyber-physical systems and healthcare AI.
After graduation, Baihong will continue with the SBB2 program as a postdoc.