Latest Press

  • Channel NewsAsia: SinBerBEST Smart Technologies

    Channel NewsAsia: SinBerBEST Smart Technologies

    In August 2018, Channel NewsAsia highlighted key smart technologies developed by SinBerBEST that will be deployed in Singapore’s first energy generating building in collaboration with the Building Construction Authority (BCA).

  • Nelumbo Team 2018

    Nelumbo: Updates

    Cyclotron Road recently highlighted Nelumbo, the creator of highly-efficient, heat-transfer surfaces, a company that was founded by SinBerBEST 1 researchers led by Prof. Hayden Taylor. The article discussed how it has a new partnership with Danfoss, a worldwide supplier of energy-efficient power systems, completed a Series A financing round, opened a manufacturing and development facility, and expanded its team.

  • LinkedIn Article: Interaction of Ceiling Fans

    SinBerBEST 2 Theme Leader, Professor Stefano Schiavon, issued a LinkedIn article in July 2018 on ceiling fan airflows based on a climate chamber study.  In this Singapore-based experiment, SinBerBEST researcher, Aleksandra Lipczynska, Prof. Schiavon, and Director of the Center for Environmental Design Research, Edward Arens, examined airflow profiles created by one fan and multiple fans using high spatial resolution air speed measurements, 5,760 and 20,160 measuring points for the two cases respectively.

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